Plans are coming together for our big holiday month in October (I’m so excited!) but at the same time, we’re packing up our stuff both at home and at work.
The movers boxed everything up and put it in the shipping container on their truck: next stop Marseille to go on the ship bound for Port Chalmers, New Zealand!
We’re staying in a nearby apartment for a couple of days while Tom finishes up at work, and then we head off on October 1st.
I wrapped up my work at Teads about a week ago and have been busy in the meantime organising paperwork, movers and cleaning the apartment – all the final touches before we can leave things tidy. As our things get placed in boxes, it’s really starting to sink in that we’re leaving this lovely city and headed off for a new adventure!

I have a new job lined up for when we arrive, but I won’t start until December so I’ll leave off talking about that until I start. It turns out Dunedin is a bit of a techy town!