All posts by Cat B

Wild blackberries

August in the South of France

Summer is a lazy time around here; I love it. It’s hot, but not oppressive – you feel like you can still manage to do things… if you really want to.

The rosemary bushes along the side of the roads are drying out and leaving the air tinged with their scent wafting along. It’s a fertile time along the Mediterranean, even in the city. Continue reading August in the South of France


Midsummer Marmelade

On the weekend, our sweet, elderly landlords (who live next door) gifted us with a huge bag of apricots from their backyard tree. I’ve been wary of fruit for the last year or so, as they all seem to give me an allergic reaction these days in raw form.

However, I’ve never made jam before (jam in German is Marmelade, hence the title 😛 ) and was determined to at least try.

Continue reading Midsummer Marmelade