GitHub has a super cool feature called “Pages” which lets you host a website from a GitHub repository on your GitHub account. Hosting from GitHub makes deployment really simple and slick.
Tom wanted to use his Pages site to host a web version of his resume which was such a great idea that I totally copied it. Tom’s is really awesome though – he built it using LaTeX to create both the html and a really neatly-formatted pdf from the same markdown file.
I helped a little with the html side of things. We used a Bootstrap framework theme called Flatly for the basic layout which was an interesting challenge for me as I had not used Bootstrap before. I was happy to find that it was quite simple to use and the documentation is really great.
While we tried to keep things pretty simple and minimalist, we included some of the following features:
- Top and bottom sticky navigation bars
- Responsive design
- Font Awesome icon set font
- Scrollspy and scrolling animation from the navbar
- Custom URL domain
It was really fun to learn about Pages, and to get involved in this little project with Tom. We ended up doing some pair-programming while we fixed issues and made the html template. It was interesting trying to explain some of the restrictions with html and css to Tom, as most of the languages he uses really don’t have the same limitations.
I am particularly impressed with the really nice formatting of the pdf version of the resume; it looks so neat and professional but at the same time is really consistent design-wise with the website. I think I might need to learn some LaTeX…
Take a look at the GitHub repo for his work and the final output at