Here’s the link to the full photoset from our winter break in England, covering the south coast, London and the Yorkshire Dales.
I absolutely can’t wait to go back to the Dales.

Here’s the link to the full photoset from our winter break in England, covering the south coast, London and the Yorkshire Dales.
I absolutely can’t wait to go back to the Dales.
I added a new photoset to Flickr for Barcelona in August. Click here to see the photos. There aren’t as many as I would have liked because we were so busy at Ironhack I simply didn’t have time!
I also added a few more to the end of the Barcelona July set.
I’ve uploaded some photos from our weekend in Antwerp.
We had another weekend in Amsterdam: a relaxing few days with no real plans except enjoying a mini-break. Tom had tickets to Ajax vs PSV (? I think?!) on the Sunday and on the Saturday we had dinner with some people.
We stayed in the Jordaan area for this trip – right near the Noordermarkt. Normally we stay closer to the Pijp district, so it was interesting to really be embedded in a different area of the city. We did visit a couple of our usual favourites: Bakers & Roasters cafe for brunch (absolutely delicious!) and Workcycles to drool over their gorgeous Oma and Gr8 frames.
I added a few photos to Flickr from the trip. Continue reading New Flickr Set – Amsterdam, January 2014
There are many great things to love about cycling to work and home again. I love that I don’t have to worry about public transport breakdowns or traffic. I like the brief exercise (I only have a relatively short ride!) to start and end the work day. Continue reading Riding to work: Before Sunrise edition