Tag Archives: travel

Yorkshire Dales

Winter Break Report

Over the winter holidays, Tom and I travelled to England to basically spend two weeks in pubs. It was great and we enjoyed every rainy second of it!

The day we left, Montpellier was bright and sunny and England was grey and rainy. From Heathrow we rented a car and drove down to Rye on the south coast. We checked into the Ship Inn and pretty much immediately got stuck into some local ales. Rye is a very pretty town, very quiet at this time of year, but is full of interesting streets to wander up and down and around on. There are also many pubs to visit.

Rye, South England
Rye, South England

(I hope you’re sensing the theme of our travel…) Continue reading Winter Break Report

Loch Moidart

New Flickr Set – the Scottish Highlands

July 2014 was pretty busy for Tom and me. We had just packed up and moved from Germany to France, found a new flat and Tom started a new job. I was about to start Ironhack and begin a new career.

Loch Moidart
Loch Moidart

It was also when my dear friend Vikki got married in the Scottish Highlands and she had asked us to join them. It was a magical, beautiful trip, the only problem was that it was sadly far too short.

Loch Moidart
Loch Moidart

Continue reading New Flickr Set – the Scottish Highlands

Amsterdam Canal

Travel Plans: BCN & AMS

Next week Tom’s brother and his girlfriend will arrive in Europe. They’ll be here for just over two weeks only, so we’ve decided to take them to two of our favourite places – Barcelona and Amsterdam.

We’ll spend a few days here in Montpellier, but although it’s a nice little city, it’s not very interesting for visitors. They will be our first visitors since we moved to France and I’m super excited for the chance to return to both Barcelona and Amsterdam.

We don’t really have any plans for what we will do, but I’m guessing we’ll be mostly focussed on eating delicious food, drinking delicious coffee and tasting lots of beers and wines. I think we’ll rent bikes in Amsterdam and maybe (if the weather is ok!) ride out to Haarlem one day. In Barcelona I would like to visit a museum or two since we have about a week there.

I’m also particularly looking forward to seeing all the BCN-based Ironhackers again! I miss their faces!

Sagrada Familia at sunset


Life suddenly became very interesting very quickly… I’m going to explain in more detail in the next few posts, but here’s an overview:

The first major change is that we moved to Montpellier in France. Tom is now working at IRD and we have just found a flat and moved all our belongings into it.

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Montpellier
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Montpellier

The second is that I quit my job (related to the first!). I feel both relieved and stressed by this change. Continue reading Ch-ch-ch-changes