It’s been a bit of a strange weekend.
On Saturday, we had beautiful spring sunshine so we headed over to the Volksgarten for a grill session with a couple of friends. On the way, we stopped at the local “Australia Shop” because we needed Vegemite (don’t judge!) and figured we could grab some beer from home while we were there (Kölsch is ok, but it’s nice to be able to have a little variety sometimes!). We bought a sixpack of Coopers Red and not only was it totally worth it, it was possibly even cheaper than at home!
We set up on the north shore of the small lake away from the larger crowds. While trying to find a nice spot, Tom made the comment that the crowded area was a little too “Apocalypse Now” which was actually pretty apt with all the grill smoke. We did find a quiet place eventually, though, and made the most of the sunshine with a little frisbee and chatting.
Our friends brought their little kettle grill and it actually worked pretty well, I have to say. I’ve been pretty sceptical of the whole idea of these portable grills, but I think I am almost convinced of their efficacy. We grilled a bunch of veggies including capsicum and mushrooms with pesto and the boys had some bratwursts. We even tried marshmallows, but we left it a bit late and the coals had cooled too much.
It was so nice to be outside and in the sunshine at last!
Then on Sunday, Tom had to be out very early to catch a train to Frankfurt and from there to catch a plane to Slovenia for a conference. He’ll be there until Thursday and I am already feeling a little lost, to be honest! It’s very strange to be here at home without him.
It was still warm, but very overcast and humid. I went for a bike ride (our “usual” route) but after that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I hope it’s nice in Bled and he gets some time to explore at least a little.